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Friday, January 20, 2012

10th Anniversary Gala, Changing the Track of Life

What happens when momentum becomes tangible? When you cannot only feel it, but you can see and experience it?  This is happening with Genesys Works and the incredible transformation we are making in the lives of thousands of young people and the companies for whom they work. Forbes Magazine recognizes this momentum by naming Genesys Works and its founder as one of the top 30 social entrepreneurs in the world. And, the business community, the White House and more are taking note.

What started as a way for a few students to get a better job has become one of the most successful social enterprises in America by changing the trajectory of life for students who are learning that they can be successful in the corporate world. Low-income students, once destined to a lifetime of low-wage occupations, are taught critical skills and exposed to a professional world they would have otherwise never had the chance to see.

This is achieved by training high school seniors in specific technical and professional skills that they immediately apply in meaningful internships at large corporations during their entire senior year of high school.  In addition, one evening each week they return to our offices for active guidance on work performance, college access and scholarships.  The results are highly-skilled, young professionals – not simply interns – that directly impact the success of the organizations they serve. And, more than 95% of our graduates go on to college.

To celebrate a decade of accomplishment, our 10th Anniversary Gala, Changing the Track of Life, will take place April 18, 2012, at Houston’s Union Station. Denise and Charles Hazen will Chair and El Paso Corporation will be honored for its history of involvement, with Doug Foshee as our keynote speaker.

There is no better time to make an impact than now -- with a program recognized across the country for its revolutionary approach and meaningful results. And, we are excited to share that a Texas family has made a bold commitment to match every individual underwriting gift of $10,000 or more and every corporate underwriting gift of $25,000 or more, dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $400,000.  This makes investment in the success of our program more important than ever.

Together, let’s start our new decade in which we will change the track of life for thousands more youth and the visionary companies for whom they work.  Thank you for your support.

For information, please contact Randy Penn at 713-337-0510, rpenn@genesysworks.org or Christi Parker at 713-337-0503, cparker@genesysworks.org

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